Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Stalin’s son, Udayanidhi Stalin, has been causing controversy with his comments about eradicating Sanatana Dharma. Many political parties and Hindu communities have criticized his remarks. Recently, Dilipachari, the BJP in-charge of Nagar Kurnool constituency in Telangana, called Udayanidhi a traitor and offered a reward of one crore rupees for anyone who gets rid of him. Dilipachari believes that Sanatana Dharma represents social justice and equality.
According to Dilipachari, the BJP is working towards unity among the people of the country, while Udayanidhi is trying to divide them by promoting Dravidianism and Sanskrit. He urged all Hindus to unite and protect Sanatana Dharma, stating that those who offend Hindu sentiments should not be pardoned.