Two teachers from Telangana, Santosh Kumar Bhedodkar and Archana Nooguri, have been honored with the prestigious National Teacher Award for their exceptional dedication and innovative teaching methods. They will receive the award from President DroupadiMurmu in New Delhi on September 5.
Santosh Kumar Bhedodkar, a School Assistant in Adilabad district, expressed his excitement and spoke about his grandfather’s influence on his career in education. He has played a significant role in improving the school’s enrollment and infrastructure, reducing dropout rates to zero, and providing training to teachers in Telangana.
Archana Nooguri, a headmistress in Mancherial district, has also been recognized for her contributions to education. She has successfully increased the school’s enrollment and implemented initiatives to improve the health and digital literacy of students. She has also dedicated a portion of her salary to hiring instructors and improving infrastructure, including establishing a library and collaborating with the community.
Both teachers have had a transformative impact on their students’ lives, as evidenced by their outstanding achievements and admissions into prestigious schools. Their recognition as National Best Teachers is well-deserved.