A 14-year-old boy in Delhi has been arrested for killing his tutor. The tutor had allegedly sexually assaulted the boy multiple times and even recorded the abuse. The boy was taken into custody three days after the incident. The police received a call about blood in a room in Batla House, Jamia Nagar, and found the tutor’s body with severe neck wounds. The tutor had been living with his family in Zakir Nagar. The police investigation revealed that the tutor had met the boy two months ago and had been blackmailing him with an explicit video. On the day of the incident, the boy went to the tutor’s residence in Jamia Nagar and killed him with a sharp paper cutter. The apartment where the body was found was rented and recently vacated by a tenant.
14-Year-Old Boy Detained in Delhi for Allegedly Killing His Tutor Amid Sexual Abuse Allegations
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