The daughter of the late Secunderabad Cantonment MLA, G Sayanna, G Lasya Nanditha, is running in the upcoming assembly polls from the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) ticket in Secunderabad Cantonment constituency. She is confident in her ability to win the seat and has been inspired by her father’s dedicated service to the people. Lasya Nanditha has previous experience in politics, serving as a corporator in Kavadiguda. Although she lost narrowly to the BJP candidate in the 2020 election, she aims to continue her father’s legacy and serve the people of the constituency.
In an interview with The Hans India, Lasya Nanditha expressed her desire to follow in her father’s footsteps. She witnessed his strong connection with the local community and his commitment to their well-being, which greatly inspired her. Politics is not new to her, as she grew up observing her father’s deep connections with the people and learning how to advocate for their rights. It was her father’s dream to see her in politics, and she aspires to become an MLA.
Lasya Nanditha also emphasized her bond with the Cantonment people, describing them as family. They come together for festivals and celebrations, not for political motives, but as a united community. She is diligently working on the pending projects left by her father and believes in the need for further infrastructural development in SCB, including improved roads, educational institutions, and the establishment of a hospital.
Lasya Nivedita, the elder daughter of the late Sayanna, spoke about the deep involvement of their father in politics and how it inspires them. Their mother has been a great source of support for Lasya Nanditha, becoming their pillar of strength after their father’s demise. She is highly optimistic about Lasya Nanditha’s victory in the upcoming election.