Telangana Finance and Health Minister T Harish Rao criticized the BJP and Congress parties. He accused the BJP of looking down on the South and being afraid of losing. He mentioned that the BJP’s choice of One Nation-One Election is a result of this fear. Harish Rao also highlighted that there is no representation for South people in the election committee. He stated that after the next elections, BRS will become a significant force in Delhi.
Turning his attention to the Congress party, Harish Rao criticized their leaders for making false promises. He emphasized that the people of Telangana have already made their declaration by supporting KCR. He sarcastically mentioned that it seems like a guarantee for the Congress to not win, similar to an invalid currency note.
Harish Rao further criticized the Congress party’s performance in states like Chhattisgarh and Karnataka, where the pension for disabled individuals is only Rs.1000. He commented that if the Congress comes to power, development will suffer and uninterrupted power supply will be disrupted. He expressed confidence in KCR’s ability to secure a hat-trick victory, regardless of any tricks played by others.