Former Minister Tummala Nageswara Rao felicitated former MP and Congress leader Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy at his camp office in Khammam on Saturday. Srinivas Reddy called on Rao and invited him to join the Congress party. After the meeting, Srinivas Reddy said that Rao has always worked with commitment and sincerity, but some forces in the BRS party are trying to get rid of hardworking and sincere leaders. He praised Rao for his efforts in strengthening the BRS party in Khammam. Srinivas Reddy also expressed confidence that the Congress party would win in both Khammam and Kothagudem districts in the upcoming elections.
Tummala Nageswara Rao confirmed that he was invited to join the Congress party by Srinivas Reddy, but he will make a decision after consulting with his followers. He thanked Srinivas Reddy for the invitation. Rao also stated that he is dedicated to completing the Sri Sitarama lift Irrigation project and serving the people of both districts. The news of their meeting attracted a large crowd to the camp office.