Veteran Biju Janata Dal leader and former Odisha Assembly Speaker, Surjya Narayan Patro, passed away on Saturday at the age of 75. He had been suffering from a long-term illness. Patro was a sitting MLA from Digapahandi Assembly constituency and had a close association with the renowned leader Biju Patnaik. He was a seven-time MLA and a prominent political figure from South Odisha.
Patro had been receiving treatment at a private hospital in Bhubaneswar due to age-related health issues. Last year, in June, he had resigned from his position as Assembly Speaker due to his deteriorating health condition.
Throughout his political career spanning over three decades, Patro held various important positions in both the Biju Patnaik and Naveen Cabinet. His contributions and achievements have left a lasting impact on the state of Odisha.