Fans of former Chief Minister and actor Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao (NTR) flocked to the Government Mint Compound in Saifabad on Tuesday to buy the Rs 100 coin. There were long queues as hundreds of people lined up to get the coin.
The release of the 100-rupee silver coin generated a lot of interest among people. The sale started at 10 am in Saifabad and there was an extraordinary response. Enthusiastic people had already formed lines at the designated centers early in the morning, eager to buy the coin. Both offline and online purchasing options were available, which contributed to the increase in sales.
Many people, especially Telugus, were excited to get their hands on the coin. People lined up in queues to have a coin featuring their favorite leader and actor, NTR. In the first batch, over 12,000 NTR commemorative coins were minted, but the demand is high due to NTR’s centenary celebrations.
On Monday, President Draupadi Murmu unveiled the commemorative coin in the presence of Nandamuri family members. The special Rs 100 coin with NTR’s face was printed by the government.
The coin is being minted at the Hyderabad Mint. Mint officials have used a mixture of four metals in making the coin: 50% silver, 40% copper, 5% nickel, and 5% zinc. Although the price of the coin is Rs 100, the actual price ranges from Rs 4,050 to Rs 4,850 with gift boxes.