The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has criticized the BJP-led Central Government for its alleged involvement in a corruption case with the Enforcement Directorate (ED). The ED’s Assistant Director was caught accepting a bribe of Rs. 5 crore in connection to an alleged liquor scam. AAP Senior Leader Sanjay Singh made these statements at a press conference.
Singh claimed that the ED and CBI have been investigating the liquor scam for a year, but he believes it is a fabricated scandal. He accused the ED of subjecting individuals to physical torture and extracting false statements. Singh also mentioned that the ED falsely included his name in the chargesheet and later admitted their mistake.
According to Singh, the ED follows a pattern of catching someone, putting them in jail, subjecting them to assault, and then leaking false statements to the media. He stated that people are questioning where seized money has gone, but the ED remains unresponsive. Singh believes that PM Modi established the ED department to target non-BJP politicians and engage in corruption scandals.
Singh demanded an inquiry into the involvement of officials and called on the Supreme Court to take action and shut down the ED department.