Shadnagar MLA Anjaiah Yadav recently handed out Kalyan Lakshmi and Shaadi Mubarak cheques to 69 beneficiaries from Jillad Chaudhariguda and Kondurg mandal. The event took place at GM Patel Garden in Kondurg. MLA Yadav spoke passionately about the importance of these schemes, which were initiated by Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao. These schemes not only provide financial support for less privileged girls’ wedding journeys, but also embody the values that the administration holds dear.
MLA Yadav emphasized that KCR created these schemes to bring happiness to all citizens, regardless of their economic background. He believes that everyone deserves to experience the joys of life’s milestones, and these welfare programs demonstrate that belief. Kalyan Lakshmi and Shaadi Mubarak serve as examples of how government policies can contribute to social and economic progress.