Maharashtra’s Deputy Chief Minister, Ajit Pawar, spoke about the reasons behind his alliance with the BJP and Shiv Sena government led by Eknath Shinde. He said that in politics, alliances can change and there are no permanent enemies or friends. The purpose of their alliance is to address public challenges and develop the state. They are committed to protecting people of all castes and religions.
Pawar also mentioned his dedication to farmers’ welfare. He previously worked on water-related issues as the Water Resources Minister. He directed the state agriculture minister to visit Delhi and discuss the onion situation with central leaders.
When the onion issue arose, Pawar sent the agriculture minister to seek assistance from central leaders. He praised Home Minister Amit Shah for taking immediate action and procuring 2 lakh metric tonnes of onions at a lower price to help with the problem.
Meanwhile, Maharashtra Congress Chief Nana Patole criticized the central government’s decision to raise the export duty on onions, calling it “anti-farmer.” Patole expressed concerns about the impact on farmers.
Recently, the central government imposed a 40% export duty on onions due to expected price increases in September. They are also procuring additional onions from Maharashtra farmers to stabilize the market and prepare for emergencies.