Thousands of BRS cadres gathered at Station Ghanpur to support Kadiyam Srihari before the upcoming Assembly elections. They welcomed Srihari with a large rally from Nellutla to Station Ghanpur, a distance of about 23 kilometers. Srihari was chosen by the BRS leadership to replace sitting MLA Thatikonda Rajaiah in Station Ghanpur.
During a public meeting at Station Ghanpur, former deputy chief minister Srihari praised Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao and expressed his commitment to developing the constituency with the help of Minister Dayakar Rao and Thatikonda Rajaiah. Srihari criticized the BJP and Congress for making empty promises to win votes, stating that they have failed to deliver in the states they govern.
Minister Dayakar Rao also voiced his confidence in Srihari’s victory in the upcoming elections and urged party cadres to support the BRS. Palla Rajeshwar Reddy, the Rythu Bandhu State president, also spoke at the event. However, MLA Rajaiah, who had previously stated his loyalty to the party, did not attend the meeting.
In another development, Palla Rajeshwar Reddy attempted to meet Rajaiah in Hanumakonda but was stopped by Rajaiah’s followers, who claimed that he was unavailable. Rajaiah’s aides stated that he was busy distributing CMRF checks and could not be reached. Palla Rajeshwar Reddy mentioned that Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao would speak to Rajaiah in a few days and assured that Rajaiah would be given a good position.