In Khammam, the BRS party has decided on the candidates for the upcoming Assembly elections. Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao announced the names of the candidates. The sitting MLAs, except for Wyra MLA Ramulu Naik, will be running again. Puvvada Ajay Kumar will represent Khammam, Kandala Upender Reddy will represent Palair, Sandra Venkata Veeraiah will represent Sathupalli, and L Kamal Raj, the ZP chairman, will represent Madhira assembly segment. Only Raj lost in the last election to Congress MLA Bhatti Vikramarka. Ramulu Naik has been removed from the BRL list of MLA candidates. Madhanlal, who lost to Ramulu Naik in the last election, will be representing the BRS this time.
Ramulu Naik was elected as an independent candidate but later joined the BRS party. According to a BRS party survey, Madhan Lal was considered to have better chances than Naik. In Kothagudem district, Rega Kantha Rao, the district president and Pinapaka MLA, will be running again. Mecha Nageswra Rao will represent Aswarao Pet, Hari Priya Naik will represent Yellandhu, and Dr Venkat Rao will represent Bhadrachalam. Venkat Rao, who lost to Congress MLA Podem Veeraiah, is being fielded by the BRS party after returning. There is only one general seat in Kothagudem district. Vanama Venkateswara Rao, the oldest member of the assembly and serving MLA, was found ineligible by the High Court. He appealed the verdict in the Supreme Court. Despite rumors that Vanama would be denied a ticket due to his age, KCR asked him to run again in the upcoming elections.
Currently, there are 10 assembly segments in the Khammam district, including three general, two SC, and five ST reserved seats.