The Hyderabad Commissioner’s Task Force South-East Zone team, in collaboration with the Malakpet police, has arrested a gang involved in cheating and extorting money from people under the guise of charity. The police have apprehended 10 individuals and seized two auto-rickshaws, Rs 1.38 lakh, and some documents from them.
The accused were deceiving the public by pretending to be part of a charity organization called ‘Amma Cheyutha Foundation’ and using the collected funds for their personal expenses. The police have filed a case against them under various sections of the Indian Penal Code.
The arrested individuals include Kethavath Ravi and Kethavath Mangu, who acted as collection agents, Gaddi Ganesh, the founder and organizer of the foundation, and several women who posed as beggars. They are all from Nalgonda district.
Ravi and Mangu approached Ganesh with a plan to beg for money in the name of a charity dedicated to disabled persons. Ganesh provided them with collection boxes, ID cards, and visiting cards labeled with the foundation’s name. He instructed them to seek money and hired women on a commission basis.
Every evening, the gang would pick up these women from their homes, equip them with the necessary materials, and drop them off at busy traffic junctions in the twin cities. After 9 pm, they would collect the women and distribute 35% of the collected amount to each of them.
Additionally, the gang created a QR code linked to their bank accounts, which they pasted on the collection boxes. The money obtained through begging was used by the brothers to purchase plots in various locations.
Acting on credible information, the police apprehended the gang at Moosarambagh Crossroads, Malakpet, and seized the relevant materials.