Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal criticized the BJP-led Centre for bringing an ordinance on services matters, stating that it was done out of money power and the failure of the ED and the CBI in Delhi. During his speech in the Assembly, Kejriwal claimed that the BJP has introduced a “Sanghi” style of democracy through the Services Bill and emphasized that the 2024 Lok Sabha elections will focus on achieving full statehood for Delhi. He accused the ordinance and the bill of trampling on the democratic rights of the people of Delhi.
Kejriwal mentioned that different styles of democratic systems exist, such as the Westminister style and parliamentary style, but the Sanghi style of democracy has been brought by the BJP through this bill. He added that the ordinance on services matters was introduced because money power and threats from the ED and the CBI had failed in Delhi. Kejriwal also revealed that he had been threatened by someone from the BJP, but he asserted that no power could make him or the two crore people of Delhi bow down.
The AAP national convener predicted that the BJP will lose all seven Lok Sabha seats in Delhi in the 2024 polls. In response to Kejriwal’s attack on Modi over the GNCTD Amendment Act, the BJP sharply criticized his government for corruption, inaction, and nepotism, stating that these factors will lead to their exit in 2025. Delhi BJP president Virendra Sachdeva challenged Kejriwal to hold a session of the Assembly for a debate comparing the development works done by his government and the Modi government in Delhi. Sachdeva claimed that the people of Delhi have witnessed Kejriwal’s true nature through communalism, inaction, corruption, and nepotism since the 2020 elections, and they will remove him from power in 2025. He also accused Kejriwal of playing the victim card and diverting issues.