Rahul Gandhi, a leader of the Congress party, will be running in the upcoming Lok Sabha election from Amethi, according to the newly appointed Uttar Pradesh Congress president, Ajay Rai. Rai made this announcement during a press conference in Varanasi and mentioned that Amethi used to be a stronghold for the Gandhi family until Rahul Gandhi lost the seat to Smriti Irani of the BJP in the 2019 general election. Currently, Rahul Gandhi is serving as an MP from Wayanad in Kerala.
During his arrival in Varanasi, Rahul Gandhi was greeted by party workers and leaders. Rai stated that if Priyanka Gandhi, the party’s national general secretary, desires, she can contest from Varanasi or any other location. He also expressed that if Priyanka Gandhi decides to run in Varanasi, the party’s workers will support her wholeheartedly. Rai, who previously ran against Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the 2014 and 2019 Lok Sabha elections but was unsuccessful, has been appointed as the UP Congress chief. He replaced Brijlal Khabri, a Dalit leader.
When asked about Smriti Irani, who defeated Rahul Gandhi in Amethi during the previous election, Rai commented that she appears to be frustrated. He mentioned her promise of providing sugar at Rs 13 per kg and questioned if she was able to fulfill it. Rai confidently stated that the people of Amethi would have better insight into this matter.
This appointment of Rai as the UP Congress chief is seen as a result of his continuous struggle and his dedication to exposing wrongdoing. He referred to himself as the “sipahi” (soldier) of Rahul Gandhi and emphasized that this fight will extend throughout the entire state.