State BJP vice-president and former MLA NVSS Prabhakar has started a 48-hour sit-in protest in Ramanthapur, Hyderabad. He is demanding that Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao fulfill his promise of providing double bedroom houses to the poor. Prabhakar addressed a large crowd at the protest, including those who have applied for 2 BHK houses. He criticized KCR for not delivering on his promise and accused the government of lacking transparency in selecting beneficiaries. Prabhakar also alleged that ruling party leaders and elected representatives have been extorting money from the beneficiaries. He claimed that no houses were built in his constituency under the scheme in the past four years. Prabhakar warned KCR that if 2 BHK houses are not allocated to all the poor applicants in his constituency, people will lay siege to the collectorate and call for a bandh.
Prabhakar Stages Sit-in Protest in Hyderabad, Demanding Allocation of 2 BHK Houses to Underprivileged Individuals
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