Five BJP MLAs were removed from the Delhi Assembly during its proceedings on Thursday for protesting against a discussion on the Manipur issue. This led to other members of the BJP walking out. AAP MLA Durgesh Pathak initiated a short duration discussion on the violence in Manipur, which caused the BJP MLAs to protest, stating that only issues related to Delhi should be debated in the House. Deputy Speaker Rakhi Birla questioned the BJP legislators’ protest, asking if they believed that Manipur was not an issue worth discussing in the Assembly. As the BJP MLAs continued to protest, four of them were removed from the House, followed by another one. The remaining BJP members then walked out.
The BJP legislators later held a protest outside Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s office, accusing the AAP government of corruption. They wore black t-shirts and caps, carrying placards listing alleged scams in the government. Meanwhile, inside the Assembly, AAP legislators led by Durgesh Pathak chanted slogans against Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Pathak claimed that women were facing atrocities in BJP-ruled Manipur and that people were forced to flee to Myanmar due to the violence in the state.
Gopal Rai, a Delhi Cabinet Minister, stated that Manipur had been in turmoil for 100 days and accused the BJP of implementing harmful policies. He compared the situation to the British instigating conflicts between Hindus and Muslims in Bengal in 1905. Rai emphasized that the issues in Manipur affected the entire country and called for opposition against the prime minister.
In summary, five BJP MLAs were expelled from the Delhi Assembly for protesting a discussion on the Manipur issue. The remaining BJP members staged a walkout, while AAP legislators continued with their discussion and criticized the BJP’s handling of Manipur. The BJP MLAs later protested outside Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s office, alleging corruption in the AAP government.