Hyderabad City Police Commissioner C V Anand recently held a video conference with over 1000 officers of Sub-Inspector (SI) and above rank officers from different wings of the Hyderabad City Police. The purpose of the conference was to inform the newly appointed officers about the challenges of metropolitan policing and the culture of the Hyderabad City Police. It also provided an overview of the recent reorganization and offered guidance for effective policing.
The reorganization of the Hyderabad City Police Commissionerate was based on factors such as the growing population of Hyderabad, the increase in vehicle numbers, and the need for a Mega City Policing Plan. CP Anand explained the criteria and considerations that guided this reorganization, including the delineation of boundaries.
During the conference, CP Anand discussed the details of each zone, division, and police station. He conducted a thorough review of staff allocations and interacted with the new officers. The roles and responsibilities were revisited, fixed duties were re-charted, and manpower allocation to different category police stations was discussed.
Various key performance indicators (KPIs) were comprehensively discussed, including the effective utilization of Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) installations, the Fitcop program, and adherence to discipline and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).
A review of pending crimes that required arrests, investigation, FSL reports, charge sheets, etc., was also conducted during the conference.
CP Anand informed the officers that he will be conducting meetings with different wings starting with the Hyderabad Traffic police in the coming days.