Hyderabad Metro Rail Limited (HMRL) celebrated the 77th Independence Day with enthusiasm at Metro Rail Bhavan, Rasoolpura on Tuesday. The Managing Director, Mr. NVS Reddy, hoisted the national flag and congratulated the staff and their families, sending his best wishes to them.
During the celebration, Mr. Reddy highlighted the importance of remembering the sacrifices made by the leaders of the freedom movement. He urged the staff to dedicate themselves to the development of Hyderabad City, Telangana state, and the country as a whole.
Mr. Reddy emphasized the priority of expanding the Metro Rail project to other parts of the city for its development. He advised the staff to work with renewed energy to speed up the preparatory works for the Airport Metro and other approved corridors.
The celebration was a reminder of the significance of Independence Day and a call to action for the staff of HMRL to contribute towards the growth and progress of Hyderabad and the nation.