Adilabad District Police Association President, Penchala Venkateswarlu, strongly condemned the inappropriate comments made by Telangana PCC President Revanth Reddy against the Telangana Police. Venkateswarlu demanded that the sentences which hurt the sentiments of the state police be withdrawn unconditionally. He also lodged a complaint against the State PCC President at Adilabad 1town Police Station on Tuesday.
Venkateswarlu emphasized that the Telangana State Police is always available to the public and works to protect their lives and property. He highlighted that the police put their lives at risk while conducting their duties impartially and in a friendly manner.
Venkateswarlu criticized Revanth Reddy’s words, which were delivered on August 14, 2023, at Gandhi Bhavan. He demanded an unconditional withdrawal of Reddy’s statements. He reminded that the police perform their duties without being influenced by any political party, caste, or religion. He also pointed out that some political parties speak in a way that hurts the sentiments of the police for their own political gain.