BJP MP and Parliamentary Board member Dr. K Laxman announced that the party will lead a third phase of the Telangana movement to free the state from what he called a corrupt and dictatorial governance style. He criticized Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao’s rule, stating that there has been no improvement in the lives of the people. The promises made during the separate Telangana movement have not been fulfilled by the ruling party.
Dr. Laxman stated that the BJP will unite people from all walks of life and communities under the slogan “DalamKadilindi. ‘KCR Ko Hatao, Telangana Bachao’ and BJP Ko Jitao” (Remove KCR, Save Telangana, and Elect BJP). He highlighted various issues faced by the state, such as unemployment, lack of water supply to agricultural lands, injustice in water-sharing, limited funds reaching villages, and ongoing farmers’ suicides.
The MP also mentioned the government’s failure to implement promised schemes such as double bedrooms for citizens, loan waivers for farmers, and free fertilizer and minimum support price for crops. He criticized the rising costs of education and healthcare, as well as the pending fee reimbursement. Dr. Laxman emphasized that only KCR’s family has benefited while the people of the state continue to face difficulties.
He urged the public to question why the government has been unable to conduct job recruitment examinations on time.