Education Minister Sabitha Indra Reddy inaugurated the Mudiraj building project in Raviryala, Tukkuguda municipality. The upcoming building will receive 20 lakh rupees in funding. The foundation stone was laid in the presence of various leaders, including Karthik Reddy, local public representatives, and elders from the Mudiraj community.
The inauguration ceremony took place near Raviryala Pragathi Company, close to the ORR. Sabitha Indra Reddy emphasized the government’s commitment to supporting different castes and manual professions, echoing Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao’s stance on this matter.
KCR’s vision of constructing self-respecting buildings for each caste is being realized through these initiatives. Self-respecting buildings for different caste associations are being constructed on a significant scale, with the Mudiraj community being the focus of the current endeavor. The new building, located near the ORR, demonstrates the government’s dedication to the welfare of the Mudiraj community.
Sabitha Indra Reddy highlighted the comprehensive support being provided to the fishing community. Programs aimed at their economic growth, such as the free distribution of fish in ponds, facilitation of marketing avenues, and provision of mobile vehicles, have been initiated. She also mentioned the financial aid provided to families and praised KCR’s leadership in increasing support pensions.
The minister also shared updates about industrial development in the region. Foxconn Company’s increased investments are expected to create employment opportunities for around one lakh individuals within nine months. She also mentioned KCR’s proposal of 6600 crore rupees for metro construction in the area, which will bring transformative changes to the region’s landscape.