Four people have been arrested in Hyderabad for selling E-cigarettes. The police seized material worth Rs.2 lakh from them in Jubilee Hills. The arrested individuals are Shaik Aslam, Raheel Khan, Rishi Agarwal, and Shreyash Agarwal. Another suspect, Mohd. Shoaib, is currently on the run.
Shaik Aslam, who has been running a pan shop at Jubilee Hills Road No.36 for many years, recently started selling banned E-cigarettes and hookah flavors to students and young people in the area. Aslam received support from the other suspects in supplying the cigarettes to customers.
Acting on a tip-off, the police conducted a raid and confiscated cigarettes and hookah flavors worth Rs.2 lakh.
The arrested individuals and seized material have been handed over to the Jubilee Hills police for further action.