BRS floor leader Nama Nageswara Rao criticized the BJP-led NDA government for their failures in providing welfare and implementing promised policies. He accused the Central government of copying Telangana government’s schemes and not taking action to restore peace in Manipur. Nama also accused the Modi government of unfair treatment towards small states, including not fulfilling promises made in the State Bifurcation Act and cancelling the ITIR project in Telangana. He praised CM KCR’s services in providing round-the-clock power supply to farmers and challenged the Centre to do the same in BJP-ruled states. Nama highlighted the Mission Bhagiratha scheme’s success in providing drinking water to every house and criticized the Modi government for not providing the recommended funds to Telangana. He also mentioned that Telangana is leading in ODF ranking but lacks cooperation from the Central government in development programs.
BJP government unveils bias against Telangana, reveals Nama
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