The Bison Literary Fest, titled “Creative Pursuits” with the theme “Abhivyanjana – Celebration of Expression,” was held in Secunderabad by the Bison Division. The event was inaugurated by Radhika Radhakrishnan, Chairperson of Bison FWO.
As part of India’s initiative on the “International Year of the Millets 2023,” a book called “Flavours of Nationalism – Recipes of Love and Sacrifice” was released. The book features recipes from Bison Families across India.
A Book Fair was also organized, which was enjoyed by both adults and children. Students from Army Public School Bolarum and RK Puram attended the book fair.
The event spanned two days and included motivational talks on courage, determination, and women empowerment. Creative workshops were also conducted to empower women and children. There was a lecture on Early Detection and Intervention of Specially Abled Children by the Principal of Army Pre Primary School, followed by a visit to the Asha Kiran facility created by the Bison Division for social welfare.
Competitions were held to showcase talents related to the theme of “Creative Pursuits.” The event concluded with impressive performances including Shadow Art, Sand Art, Ventriloquist Artist, Regional Dance- Perini Sivatandavam, and a musical performance by children. The event ended with the felicitation of participants and a prize distribution ceremony.