Prime Minister Narendra Modi virtually launched the renovation and modernisation works of Mahabubnagar railway station from New Delhi on Sunday. Mahabubnagar MP Manne Srinivas Reddy officially unveiled the foundation for the renovation of the railway station. This is part of the central government’s plan to renovate and modernise 508 railway stations across the country as part of the Amruth Bharat scheme.
Before the launch, Manne Srinivas Reddy, along with local BRS leaders and railway authorities, visited the railway station to assess ongoing development works. They then participated in the Prime Minister’s programme.
The MP expressed his satisfaction that the central government had chosen to renovate the Mahabubnagar railway station under the Amruth Bharat Scheme. He also thanked PM Modi for laying the foundation stone for the modernization works. The programme was attended by Mahabubnagar Municipal Chairman K C Narasimhulu, councillors, railway officials, and others.