A delegation from the TPCC, led by CLP leader Bhatti Vikramarka, met with Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan at Raj Bhavan in Hyderabad. They discussed the situation caused by floods and heavy rains in the city and submitted a representation to the Governor.
After the meeting, Vikramarka spoke to the media and shared that they gathered information about the loss of life, crop damage, and property destruction caused by the recent floods. They informed the Governor about the impact of these events. The delegation requested the Governor to put pressure on the State government to provide compensation to those affected. They asked for Rs 50,000 per acre for farmers who lost their crops, Rs 5 lakh for fully damaged houses, and Rs 1 lakh for partially damaged houses. Additionally, they asked for an ex-gratia compensation of Rs 25 lakh for the families of those who lost their lives in the floods.