Telangana Congress legislative party leader, Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka, recently made some interesting comments. It has been revealed that many leaders are considering leaving the ruling BRS party, which is why there has been a massive recruitment in the Congress. However, he clarified that YSRTP President Sharmila’s inclusion is not being considered. Bhatti also mentioned that he is visiting Delhi to meet with his party’s high command.
He stated that the Telangana assembly meetings will begin tomorrow and they are fully prepared. Bhatti expressed his intention to criticize the ruling party on various issues. One of his criticisms is that the state of Telangana is in debt amounting to Rs. 5 lakh crore.
Bhatti also highlighted that the aspirations of the people, such as water, funds, and appointments, have not been fulfilled in Telangana. He mentioned that during his recent padayatra, he witnessed many problems up close.