The working president of the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS), KT Rama Rao, said that if they win the next assembly elections, BRS will form the government for the third time and KCR will become Chief Minister for the third consecutive term. KTR expressed confidence in KCR’s leadership and stated that Hyderabad will become a cosmopolitan city under his guidance.
KTR mentioned that once they come to power, they will focus on politics for the first six months and then dedicate the remaining four and a half years to the development and welfare of the people. He emphasized that a functioning government is what people need and they don’t have to engage in politics 24/7. KTR also shared that there are already one lakh double bedroom houses ready in Hyderabad, and an additional four thousand will be distributed to the constituency from August 15 to October.
In terms of welfare schemes, KTR announced that three thousand families in each constituency will receive financial assistance of Rs.3 lakh under the Grilahakshmi scheme. He dismissed the allegations made by the Congress party regarding pucca houses and advised people to be wise when considering such claims.
Regarding infrastructure development, KTR highlighted that 70 km of metro rail line has already been completed in Hyderabad, with plans for an additional 159 km around the Outer Ring Road (ORR) at a low cost. Once land acquisition is completed, a total of 314 km of metro line will be available to the public within four years. The development of Hyderabad is being planned with a long-term vision of a hundred years.
KTR admitted that initially, he didn’t believe everything KCR said, but he has seen how KCR has made the seemingly impossible possible. He mentioned examples like achieving statehood for Telangana and completing the Kaleshwaram lift irrigation project, which is now the world’s largest. KTR praised KCR’s commitment and mentioned that unlike other projects that often lead to changes in Chief Ministers, KCR completed Kaleswaram within five years.
In conclusion, KTR stated that the government is actively working to solve various issues, such as Nalla and Nalgonda fluoride problems, as well as the migration in Palamuru.