The Cyberabad city police in Rangareddy have issued a notification to introduce new speed limits and regulations on the Outer Ring Road (ORR) to ensure safer and more disciplined travel. The aim is to improve road safety and streamline traffic flow for all types of transportation.
The new rules, which are effective immediately, seek to minimize confusion and create a smoother journey for commuters on the ORR. The main focus is on ensuring the utmost safety for road users, promoting driving discipline, and addressing road-related issues.
Specific speed limits have been set for different lanes on the ORR to accommodate varying traffic densities and ensure smooth movement. Lanes 1 and 2, which are closest to the central median, now have a maximum speed limit of 120 km/h and a minimum speed requirement of 80 km/h. Lanes 3 and 4 have a maximum speed limit of 80 km/h and a minimum speed stipulation of 40 km/h. All vehicles traveling on the ORR must maintain a minimum speed of 40 km/h.
To reduce congestion and ensure smoother traffic flow, the notification emphasizes lane discipline based on vehicle speed. Faster-moving vehicles should use the right lanes (lanes 1 and 2) within the speed limits, while slower-moving vehicles, including heavy vehicles, should stay in the left lanes (lanes 3 and 4). Zig-zag movement between lanes is strictly prohibited for enhanced road safety.
To facilitate safer lane changes, all vehicles must use indicator lights and take necessary precautions. In case of emergencies, vehicles should park on the extreme left (service lane) while displaying hazard lights and using reflective cones positioned 5 meters behind and in front of the vehicle.
These new measures aim to improve safety and traffic flow on the Outer Ring Road.