Union Minister and State BJP chief G Kishan Reddy stated that the Telangana BJP is working together with the goal of coming to power. He made this statement after admitting former MLAs Sanjeev Rao and R Sridevi from Adilabad into the party. Reddy mentioned that people trust the BJP as the only alternative to the ruling BRS party. He also criticized the BRS, Congress, and MIM parties, calling them family-oriented and claiming that they prioritize their own families over the country and its people.
Reddy accused the government of promoting corruption and highlighted how these three parties collaborated to bring a motion of no-confidence in Parliament. He urged the people of Telangana to take note of this manipulation. Reddy further alleged that these parties are not only dynastic but also encourage corruption and dictatorship in their functioning.
During his visit to the flood-affected areas in Hanumakonda and Warangal, Reddy found the government negligent in providing relief measures despite receiving funds of Rs 900 crore from the Centre for disaster relief.
Regarding party MP Soyam Bapurao’s statements on reservations for tribals, Reddy clarified that it was the MP’s personal opinion and does not reflect the party’s stance. The party will seek an explanation from the MP.
Reddy emphasized the commitment of the party towards uplifting backward and poor people in the Lambada community. The party aims to provide reservations for tribals separately from the religious quota provided by the BRS party.
The State BJP chief criticized the BRS party for failing to deliver on their electoral promises. He claimed that despite funds being provided under the PM Awas Yojana for housing, the poor in the state are being cheated as the constructed houses are not being distributed to eligible beneficiaries. The BJP will continue fighting until every eligible poor person in the state receives a double-bedroom house.
As part of their efforts, the party leadership is organizing a rally in Mahbubnagar to put pressure on the government regarding the provision of 2 BHK houses.