A delegation of BJP leaders from Telangana State met with Union Home Minister Amit Shah to discuss the suffering of Telangana farmers due to recent rains. After the meeting, Laxman, a BJP Rajya Sabha MP, spoke to the media in Delhi and said that once a report on the damage is received, the Centre will send an inspection team to the State and provide assistance.
Laxman also discussed the party’s road map for the upcoming elections with Amit Shah. He mentioned that the change of party president was part of a strategy to strengthen the BJP in Telangana. He noted that Bandi Sanjay’s promotion as national general secretary was also part of this strategy.
Laxman stated that if one person leaves the party, four will join the BJP. He expressed their determination to put an end to corrupt rule in the State. Laxman also criticized the Congress party, holding them responsible for the suicides of 1600 Telangana martyrs during the separate Telangana State struggle.
Laxman further criticized the Opposition parties for wasting public money in Parliament. He mentioned that despite announcing their readiness for a discussion on the Manipur issue, these parties were not cooperating. He emphasized the need for a debate on attacks on women and Dalits across the country to reveal the true nature of these parties.