Residents of Potana Nagar in Warangal were relocated to safer areas on Saturday as the dam of Bhadrakali pond overflowed due to heavy rains. The embankment of the historical Bhadrakali Cheruvu was damaged, causing flooding in the surrounding areas. The Warangal Municipal Corporation promptly repaired the embankment, and the water level in the lake has now gone down.
District Collector Sikta Patnaik visited the area and instructed officials to warn residents in low-lying areas about the possibility of more flooding. She also directed them to take preventive measures to avoid similar incidents in the future. The flooding affected Pothananagar, Rangampet, and the areas near the Bhadrakali temple. Numerous houses and shops were submerged, and some individuals were evacuated to safer locations.
The repair work on the embankment was completed within a few hours, and the water level in the lake has receded. However, the District Collector has ordered officials to stay alert and inform residents in low-lying areas if there is a risk of further flooding.