Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar abruptly adjourned the House for the day after a disagreement with TMC leader Derek O’Brien. O’Brien wanted to discuss the situation in Manipur, but Dhankhar was not allowing it. O’Brien thumped the desk to make his point, which angered Dhankhar. The chairman called O’Brien’s actions theatrics and said they would not be tolerated. Dhankhar then adjourned the proceedings for the day.
47 MPs from various parties had given notices to discuss the Manipur situation, but none of them were accepted. Dhankhar read out the names of these MPs and expressed his frustration with the ongoing situation. He asked members to rise above partisan interests and agree to a short duration discussion on the issue.
According to the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Council of States, Rule 267 relates to suspension of rules. Dhankhar emphasized the importance of Question Hour in parliamentary working. O’Brien continued to argue, but Dhankhar adjourned the proceedings and stated that he would call leaders of political parties.
The House will reconvene on Monday, July 31st.