The monsoon session of the state Assembly in Hyderabad will start on August 3. This session is important because the ruling BRS party wants to counter the Opposition Congress, who has been claiming that the pink party is just a puppet of the BJP. Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao will use this time to talk about his government’s achievements in the past nine years and explain how they accomplished these despite limited support from the Centre. He will also provide statistics on the state government’s spending and the funding received from the Centre.
During the short session, KCR will address pending issues that the Centre has not addressed. The party may introduce a bill opposing the Uniform Civil Code, which they believe will have support from the Congress as well. KCR may criticize the Congress and BJP for obstructing irrigation projects and emphasize that the BRS is the only party dedicated to the overall development of the state and its people.
The Chief Minister may also urge the people to vote for the pink party so they can continue their progress and make Telangana a “Golden Telangana.” Municipal Administration and Urban Department K T Rama Rao and Finance Minister T Harish Rao will present on how the state has been growing despite opposition and non-cooperation from the Centre.