Mulugu district in Telangana has been experiencing heavy rains for the past three days. This has led to the flooding of numerous areas, including the renowned Medaram Sammakka Saralamm temple. The floodwaters from Jampannavagu have caused concerns among the people whose houses and shops have been inundated.
Similarly, the Edupayala Vanadurga temple is also facing the brunt of the heavy rains as the Manjeera river overflows, leading to water accumulation in the area. This has caused worry and distress among the residents and temple authorities.
In addition, many other areas in Telangana, including Warangal, have been heavily affected by the continuous rainfall. The city of Warangal is flooded, with main roads turning into canals and intersections resembling reservoirs. The Ayyappaswamy temple at Bhadrakali temple has also been flooded, along with the Hanumakonda-Warangal road bridge and the Warangal under railway bridge. The Warangal-Khammam national highway is waterlogged, and even Kazipet railway station in Warangal city has been affected.
Furthermore, a large tree fell down in Mylaram, causing vehicles to get stuck. The mayor has ordered officials to be on full alert as the District Meteorological Department has issued a red alert for two more days.