Narayana Educational Institutions in Hyderabad announced the impressive achievement of Mehul Borad, a student at their institution, who was part of Team India at the International Physics Olympiad (IPhO) in Tokyo, Japan. Team India won three gold medals and two silver medals at the competition, making the nation proud. Mehul Borad, in addition to his success at IPhO, also achieved AIR 25 in the JEE Advance results and won a gold medal at the IOAA held in Georgia last year.
The International Physics Olympiad is a challenging exam that tests the knowledge and problem-solving skills of young students from around the world. Team India’s outstanding performance is a testament to the commitment to excellence shown by the students. The directors of Narayana Educational Institutions, Dr. P. Sindhura and P. Sharani, congratulated Mehul, his parents, and the institution’s faculty. They expressed pride in providing a supportive and intellectually stimulating environment that fosters talented individuals like Mehul.