The Chief Secretary of Telangana State, Santhi Kumari, has instructed district authorities to take measures for the safety of people in districts expected to receive heavy rain in the next two days. Santhi Kumari held a teleconference with senior officials and Collectors from multiple districts. The officials were warned about the threat of heavy rainfall and asked to prioritize the safety of human life and minimize property damage. They were also told to identify low-lying areas and set up control rooms in the Collectorate and mandals. Various departments, including revenue, police, irrigation, panchayat raj, electricity, and R&B, were instructed to work together and take preventive measures. The irrigation officials were asked to be on high alert for breaches in vulnerable tanks and to keep sandbags ready. The Disaster Management head and the Fire Services department are also prepared to assist in case of emergency.
District Collectors receive instructions on safety during heavy rains from Chief Secretary Santhi Kumari
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