Ashutosh Dube, a leader from the Maharashtra BJP, has filed a complaint with the Election Commission about the Opposition’s use of the name ‘INDIA’ for their alliance. Dube believes that using the name ‘INDIA’ for political purposes disrespects the nation and undermines its dignity.
In his complaint, Dube asked the Election Commission to protect the country’s dignity and uphold democratic principles. He also stated that if their party wins, it would be seen as a victory for ‘INDIA’, and if they lose, it would be seen as ‘INDIA’ suffering a loss. According to him, this creates disrespect towards the nation.
Preparing for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, a coalition of 26 Opposition parties has formed an anti-BJP alliance called the Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance (INDIA). Rahul Gandhi, a Congress leader, said that the alliance would collectively confront Prime Minister Narendra Modi to defend the “idea of India.”
The parties have also agreed to establish an 11-member coordination committee. However, the details about its members and convener will be discussed in a later meeting in Mumbai, Maharashtra, where none of the alliance members currently hold power.
The first meeting took place in Patna, Bihar, which is governed by the INDIA front parties. The subsequent gathering was held in Bengaluru, Karnataka, where the Congress recently regained authority.
Meanwhile, the opposition alliance is currently meeting in Bengaluru for a two-day brainstorming session. They are considering the name “Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance” (INDIA). The Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) suggested this name on their official Twitter account, but later deleted the tweet. The proposed name represents the idea that the alliance represents all of India.