In Hyderabad, a four-member gang has been caught by the City Commissioner’s Task Force for robbing cash from an employee of a cash management company. The employee was refilling cash at an ATM center in Himayatnagar when the robbery happened.
The police have recovered Rs 3.25 lakh in cash, a car, a motorcycle, and pepper spray bottles from the gang. The arrested individuals are Thansif Ali (24), Muhammad Sahad (26), Thanseen Barikkal (23), and Abdul Muhees (23), all from Kerala.
According to DCP Task Force P Radha Kishan Rao, on July 3, the gang sprayed pepper on the face of a cash management service employee while he was refilling cash at an ATM center in Himayatnagar and took away Rs 7 lakh. The robbery was reported, leading to the arrest of the gang by the Task Force team.