BRS leaders in Hyderabad criticized the Congress party for causing the power crisis in Andhra Pradesh. The leaders, including Ministers S Niranjan Reddy, G Jagadish Reddy, and RythuBandhu Samithi chairman PallaRajeshwar Reddy, held a press conference at the BRSLP office.
Niranjan Reddy stated that the Congress party has always been against Telangana and did not take the Telangana agitation seriously. He criticized the party for claiming to have given Telangana when it was the right of the people. Niranjan Reddy also defended BRS Chief KCR against allegations made by Congress leaders regarding the Basheerbagh firing incident.
Energy Minister G Jagadish Reddy explained that the discussion on 24-hour power supply was important for farmers to understand. He accused the Congress high command of not supporting 24-hour power supply and mentioned Revanth Reddy’s involvement in the cash for vote case. Jagadish Reddy pointed out that the Congress government in Chhattisgarh, despite having sufficient power, failed to provide 24-hour power supply.
Jagadish Reddy emphasized that power purchases are done transparently through central government companies, ensuring no corruption. He also mentioned that the Telangana government is working towards making Discoms profitable.
Rajeshwar Reddy alleged that Revanth Reddy discussed Chandrababu’s agenda during a meeting in America and demanded an apology from him.