The Lal Darwaja Bonalu fair has started in Hyderabad. Devotees are gathering at Lal Darwaza and visiting the Simhavahini Mahankali Temple and Akkanna Madanna Temple. The authorities have made arrangements to ensure that the devotees do not face any inconvenience. Strict security measures have been taken, including the surveillance of 400 CCTV cameras in the south zone. Traffic restrictions have been implemented in the areas where the Bonalu festival will take place. The temple authorities have presented a gold bonam to the Goddess, and the Telangana Minister, Talasani Srinivas Yadav, has presented silk clothes on behalf of the government. Several notable individuals, including Haryana Governor Bandaru Dattatreya, BJP leader Rajya Sabha member Dr Laxman, former cricketer Mithali Raj, and Telangana Health Director Srinivasa Rao, have visited the temple and offered prayers.
Hyderabad’s Lal Darwaza Bonalu Festival Commences
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