Passengers at Secunderabad Railway Station in Hyderabad often have to carry their heavy luggage between platforms. To make this easier, the South Central Railway has introduced the Tejo Bharath carts buggy service. These battery-operated carts can transport passengers and their luggage weighing up to 40 kgs within the station premises.
Passengers can find the carts at the main entrance of platform number 1 and 10. To use the service, passengers need to pay a fee of Rs 50 per person at the ticket booking or enquiry counters. The service operates on a first come first serve basis, and passengers must report to the Buggy cart point at least 45 minutes before their train departure time. The carts are operated by trained staff to ensure passenger safety. For more information, passengers can contact 7799910824.
The goal of this service is to make it easier for passengers, especially elderly individuals, pregnant women, and those with disabilities, to reach their platforms on time with their luggage. The buggy cart service is a great convenience for these passengers and makes Secunderabad station comparable to other top railway stations. Pavan Kumar TSK, Director of Raagnaai Ads, expressed his satisfaction with the new amenity.