Hyderabad: Revanth Reddy, the TPCC chief, responded to the anger from BRS regarding his statement about farmers needing only 8 hours of free electricity. The ruling party in Telangana staged protests on Wednesday against him. Reddy took to Twitter to defend himself, accusing BRS of spreading false information about him. He also added that even if the Kalvakuntla siblings targeted Congress over the issue of ‘three hours power’, they would not come to power for the third time. Reddy assured that Congress would provide 24-hour quality free electricity to farmers. He shared a video of Congress Telangana in-charge Manik Rao Thakre speaking about this promise, along with a ‘Bye Bye KCR’ hashtag. Reddy’s previous comments stating that 3 hours of electricity is sufficient for farmers who farm in 3 acres have caused controversy.
Revanth bids farewell to KCR, responds to BRS protest
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