The Chief Minister of Odisha, Naveen Patnaik, has launched the ‘Ama Pokhari’ scheme to revive and renovate large ponds in urban areas. This initiative aims to renovate about 2,000 water bodies in 115 urban areas of the state. The renovation work will be done in partnership with Mission Shakti Women Self-Help Groups and educated youths of the state. The renovated ponds will serve as recreation centers and provide a healthy atmosphere for the people.
During the launch event, Naveen praised the members of Mission Shakti for their contribution to development in Odisha. The project will use natural and organic methods to improve the climate of coastal and surrounding areas. It is estimated that over Rs 120 crore will be invested in this initiative.
The Chief Minister also felicitated the municipal corporations of Bhubaneswar, Cuttack, and Berhampur for the success of the pilot project of the Ama Pokhari program. Anand Malligavad, the chief advisor of the Ama Pokhari program and known as the lake man in the country, was honored by Naveen. Anand, who started his career as a mechanical engineer, dedicated his life to conserving water bodies using his skills.