IT and MA&UD Minister and Bharat Rashtra Samithi working president KT Rama Rao recently shared a heartwarming success story of two beneficiaries of the Dalit Bandhu scheme. These individuals, Ragula Sagar and Nerella Sekhar from Chandurti village in the Vemulawada constituency, were initially drivers but have now become bus owners with the help of the scheme.
According to KT Rama Rao’s tweet, Ragula Sagar and Nerella Sekhar utilized Rs 20 lakh from the Dalit Bandhu scheme and also took a loan of Rs 22 lakh from SBI. They have successfully tied up their bus with TSRTC and currently operate profitably between Siricilla and Warangal.
This story highlights the positive impact of the Dalit Bandhu scheme, which aims to empower individuals from marginalized communities. The scheme provides financial assistance to help them start their own businesses or ventures.
It is inspiring to see how Ragula Sagar and Nerella Sekhar, who were once drivers, have now become proud owners of their own buses. Their journey from being employees to entrepreneurs showcases the transformative power of the Dalit Bandhu scheme in creating opportunities and uplifting lives.
This success story serves as a shining example for others and demonstrates the effectiveness of government initiatives in promoting economic growth and social empowerment. The Dalit Bandhu scheme continues to support individuals from marginalized backgrounds in achieving their dreams and becoming self-reliant.