Hyderabad: The Telangana High Court has supported director Shankar’s land dispute. In the land dispute, Shankar clarified that they did not joke about it. The court submitted a notice to Shankar, who questioned the land dispute. The state government has questioned whether it is right to acquire land for the construction of a studio for Shankar if there are authorities related to land disputes and there is a way for every opportunity.
The government states that it acquires land for cinema artists and athletes, but it has named an opportunity where mistakes can be made. Famous directors Satyajit Ray and Hazarika have noticed that the government has acquired land. In addition, in Survey No.8 of Mokhila village in Shankarpalli Mandal of Ranga Reddy district, the land dispute of 5 acres worth Rs.5 lakh was questioned by director Shankar, who came to Karimnagar, and the public interest litigation filed in 2020 was heard by the High Court on Wednesday.
Chief Justice Ujjal Bhuyan and Justice Tukaramjit, who also participated in the bench, gave a verdict on Friday after completing the arguments on the dais together. The court supported the land acquisition and filed a petition against the land dispute.