Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to visit Telangana’s Warangal district on July 8. However, ahead of his visit, there has been a public clash between two groups within the BJP. The clash occurred between supporters of Revuri Prakash Reddy and Rana Prataph in the Narasmpet constituency. The argument started over mobilizing people for the upcoming public meeting in Warangal, but quickly escalated into a full-blown fight. The party office was also damaged during the clash, causing embarrassment to the saffron party.
This clash comes at a time when the BJP is already dealing with internal conflicts. Just two days ago, Bandi Sanjay was removed as the party President due to serious infighting. In response to threats of open revolt from some leaders, Union Minister G. Kishan Reddy has been appointed as the new party chief. The clash between the two groups in Warangal adds to the problems faced by the BJP in Telangana.