Prime Minister Narendra Modi will lay the foundation for the expansion works of NH-563 between Karimnagar and Warangal on July 8. The expansion will turn the current two-lane highway into a four-lane highway. Karimnagar MP Bandi Sanjay Kumar expressed gratitude to the PM for approving and initiating the project. He mentioned that the expansion will help reduce accidents and improve commuting time between the two cities. The Centre will be undertaking the expansion work as part of the Bharatmala Pariyojana (BMP) at a cost of Rs 2,146/km for a stretch of 68 km. Land acquisition for the project has already been completed, and compensation for those affected by the project has been disbursed. Five bypass roads will also be constructed.
Bandi stated that proposals for the expansion work were presented to the PM and the Ministry of National Highways, overcoming technical obstacles in the process. Efforts are being made to coordinate with State officials to complete the land acquisition process. The Centre has released funds in a timely manner for compensation, clearing the way for the work to begin. In light of these developments, the PM agreed to lay the foundation during his visit to Warangal, as requested by Bandi.
In another development, Bandi met with Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw in Delhi to discuss a new railway line project from Kazipet (Hasanparti) to Karimnagar. The minister directed officials to prepare a detailed project report (DPR). They also discussed the PM laying the foundation for a railway manufacturing unit (POH) on July 8. The minister assured Bandi that once the DPR is received, action will be taken promptly on the Kazipet-Karimnagar line. National Waterways adviser V Sriram and State party official representative J Sangappa were present at the meeting.